Michelle Mui

Asian Commerce/Science Student
who just ♥s to sleep an eat

I can daydreamm all day
And no one can block my way
Or else they'll turn (extra) gay
Most importantly you would need to pay

Why am I making this gay sexy poem?
I don't know ask ..hmmm
Yeh, couldn't find anything rhymign with poem, SIGH*
Hopefully through this poem you would know more about me..now BYEBYE*!

♥ + hates

1. Sparkle :D
2. Gay giggles xD
3. Pho, Crab Noodles
4. Lemon tea Ice Coffe =D
5. Purple, Pink, Peach, Sky blue

1. Giving up
2. Pedophiles! sobs* T_T
3. Bitter Melon, Celery, 东菇
4. When sale assistant speaks in Mandarin
5. When scale number increases :(



Music: ♬ Cannon

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


- Learn to Swim
- Go to Hong Kong
- Become a rich mastermind
- Find a better job
- Fix my netbook


•December 2009

•May 2010

•July 2010

•August 2010

•September 2010

•October 2010

•November 2010

•December 2010

•July 2011


Lion King: "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it. "

Cinderella: "Even miracles take a little time"

Meet the Robinsons: "Keep Moving Forward"

Winnie the Pooh: " Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon"

Toy Story: "Reach for the Sky!"

Walt Disney: It's kind of fun to do the impossible"


Designer : SIMIN
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So me and my sister decided to 'go around the world'. We have divided it into two days
1. BoxHill, Westfield, Chadstone and Oakleigh
2. Richmond, Bridge Road, Docklands and City

Today we did the first one :D.

Are you ready Fiona? LOL

I wonder what the will happen today?? looks outside the window*

Firstly we went to Westfield :D. YAYYYYY!! I DIDNT GET ANYTHING WOOOH!! SO EXCITING YEAH! LOL I did see these bangles/bracelets though at Rubi's..Should I get them?? TT

Of course I went to New Zealands Natural to visit him*...Where is he? You can see him right at the bottom right corner of this picture: LOL

Oh it was also our 1 month yesterday :D..I'm glad he remembered but he's in HK soooo Im not going to be nicer to him =P

We proceeded our day by going to Box Hill... On the way we played BAO-ZIN-DUP...HAYUKUN! :D

At Box Hill we took some FAIL photostickers LOL. HAHAH D: no seriously..LOL haha oh well what dyu expect from $4 xD?

We wanted to go to Tong Lau but it was closedddd D:< ..YES. I tried opening the door madly the door didnt budge it only attracted attention of nosy walkers ='[ sobs*..Oh well this cheered me up when my sister tried opening it too and I took a picture ;D

WHYY I only wanted to eat Mong-gor-chang-fun T___T WHY GOD?

Fortunately, we ended up going to Teru Teru instead, the food was quite satisfying..

Fried chicken with special marination and sake!



Yes..we were quite satisfied indeed...^^

BUT OMG THEN...THERE WAS DESSERT OMFG. SQUEELS* ITS SOOO GOOOD. I forgot what it's called but its the first thing on the menu Dyokazyu**?? with green tea icecream =D ..OMFG LOL HAHA I cant get over it still as i type :D

I think green tea icecream might be more new favorite nowwww BEEHEE sry cookies and cream :( <3 yu still though!! Shit why am i talking to icecream :( ( i love you icecream LOVE im telling you!! XD)

Well I got to admit the red bean thing could have been a little softer/warmer/freshly baked and with more red bean flavor to make it purfect..but as I learnt from Full Metal Alchemist FMA2 we must be content with the things we have now...SOO ANYWAY THIS DESSERT IS REALLLY GOOD; especially the icecream!


Anyway enough about icecream (no of course im not serious green tea icecream :P) LOL yea~ we went to Chadstone afterwards.

Oh yeah dont forget about our try hard photowhoring :D lol

I got black flats finallly~!! More shoppping later...like tmrw :P. It was already 6pm when we weer finished at Chad soo we didn't go to Oakleigh Oh well...maybe next time! (probably not).

Oh..when we went back home we saw a cockatoo..it was lost :( sigh..i wanted to call rspca but we didnt have thier number and come one lets face it its going to fly away TT..so Im going to write this thing down incase someone is looking for thier cockatoo and my blog entry might help them :D xx fingers crossed. I saw this cockatoo at Harp Junction around 7pm? nodds it looked healthy to me and it looked like it was having fun :)

Ohh it doesnt look like it here...^__^" but in real life it looked kinda free yet lost..

But yeah it was quite a fun tiring day. Can't wait until Around the world day PART II =D

Smile always | 11:23:00 PM