Today was my first time clubbing! I don't have any pictures currently (they're on Isabell's camera).
Clubbing was pretty good :D (Except I got yelled at by mum/dads for being an hour late :/)
Anyway, firstly I had to meet Maurice and his friend Simon.
"Meet at ECUADOR" I heard. Where the helll is that may I ask? I actually frigging asked a random and the guy nicely and awkwardly replied he didn't know and "Isn't that a country?"
SHITZOOOO, Maurice/Simon meant EQUINOX.
I FELT SO RETARDED FOR ASKING THAT GUY THAT TT... I mean I seriously don't want to travel to Ecuador for clubbing (Maybe one day though) Hahaha
To sum it up this is what happened:
- Some guy pinched my friends butt =O WTFFF. ASSHOLE!! hahah good thing Isabell slapped him right at the back afterwards ROFLMAO. Good on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Awesome dancing from JUSTICE CREW (Y)
- AND OMG I Friggin saw MYCHONNY
. :D He's so friggin funny although we didn't talk but I did take a picture with him - but I looked sooo fugly :(, wanted to take another picture with him but 不好意思再问。
- These 3 (hot
) asian guys- one of them wanted to dance with me!! He was so stylish. But too bad I made him eat a lemon~ T____T
YOU KNOW, actually you probably don't, but I'll be frank, I have always been shy/scared around guys.
Only starting to overcome it recently );. And only starting to learn how to properly dance. SO THEY HAD TO EAT A LEMON AT THIS CURRENT STAGE! But I'll dance with you next time? ^^ ROFL HAHA
On a side note, I'm sorry I didn't know how to go back home Will*?, I said the route "to westfield" but not from that side, but like from the other side, making it "from westfield" If you get what I mean :"(, so I ended getting my right/left mixed up. But I eventually recognised it and 100% sure said turn right. Im also really sorry for going home later by an hour without telling (I thought they would be sleeping at 3am) SIGH*, Note: No matter what time it is, ALWAYS call your mum if you're coming home late!
Michelle: WHYYY? Also thank you to Yali and Isabell for teaching me how to dance ;)
<3 MICHELLE SANDWICH HAHAHHA!!So many lessons to be learnt just in one day!:Must Take picture with someone famous again (with a ok face at least). Don't reject hot guys. Help punch a sick-long when they pinch your friend. Call Mum/Dad when you're going home late. Start learning your directions.
Next time I shall be the ultraaaaaaaa PRO :D